STAR WARS: Episode VII – The Force Awakens LPA NN-14 Blaster
BR85 Build Skills, Episode 2
DIY, PropsRobert Taylorbattle rifle, br85, build, cosplay, DIY, halo, lathe, machining, prop, propmaking, space gun, spring, video
Video Post! LED Lighting for Props
PropsRobert Taylorbattle rifle, br85, cosplay, electronics, halo, halo 4, led, lighting, propmaking, props, rgb, video game, weapon
HALO 4 Replica Build: BR85HB-SR… Master Complete
DIY, PropsRobert Taylorbattle rifle, build, construction, halo 4, materials, modelling, prop, replica, unsc, video game
The Bondo Workflow
Props, DIYRobert Taylorbattle rifle, bondo, br85hb, cosplay, filler, filling, halo, modeling, polyester, primer, propmaking, props, resin, sanding, sculpting, surface
Creating Abstract, Textured Studio Backdrops
Painted Studio Backdrop Mk. I WIP Sequence!
DIY, Photo GearRobert Taylorabstract, backdrop, background, fabric, painted, photography, studio, textured, latex paint, house paint
Digital Paintings!